So what is with the Diablo (PG&E) evacuation plan? A simple fender bender on 101 will bring 101 to a standstill (try the daily commute from San Luis Obispo and you will know what I mean).
PG&E MUST be mandated to construct specific buildings for mass evacuation way-stations; these would be places you can go to for temporary shelter during the initial problem(s)/incident(s); a time when the roads are going to be least passable.
PG&E currently designates school gyms and other buildings which are in NO WAY resistant to gamma radiation or to most fallout or plumes from a nuclear emergency, as emergency evacuation zones. The most ridiculous is the Santa Maria Calif high school evac. zone, which is well within 20 miles of the plant. Perhaps because it is on the other side of the county line, somehow the nuclear problems stop there.
We need public outcry, not only Mothers for Peace, in order to garner more media attention to this immediate and pressing problem.
Write your politician.
Lois Capps
Sam Blakslee
Other state representatives and the Governor
Make some noise.
After all, it's your life, your family's lives, and everybody you work with, play with and count upon. Every day.
Write now, call now and make an effort, even if only one email, to say that:
"I'm seriously concerned that there are no realistic provisions for a nuclear emergency in our area. Make PG&E construct buildings that are effective, temporary evacuation and effort-coordination designations A school gym or a library is not adequate or designed to protect me or my family and friends from gamma radiation, and the highways here are wholly inadequate for evacuation purposes. We need to act now; the time for planning is over."
Writing a personal note is priceless; let your politicians know that this is important to you, to me and to everyone within at least a 50 mile radius of Diablo Canyon.
Look at the map again, and consider the last time you were on the freeway in rush hour traffic.
Now, write a letter.
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